Friday, April 25, 2008

Mt Pirongia

The full name of Mt Pirongia is Pirongia-o-Te Aroaro-ō-Kahu (the scented pathway of Kahu). This name arises from the journey of Kahu from Kāwhia to the south Waikato and north Taupō districts. Kahu named numerous hills, mountains and other landmarks on her journey. Pirongia is also remembered as one of the homes of the legendary patupaiarehe, or ‘fairy folk’.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The teacher at the feet of god

Go where none has gone
Dig deeeper dig deeper
deeper still
till you find the grim
foundation stone
and knock the keyless gate

--Sri Aurobindo Ghosh

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Foggy Morning

A dark rain promises
its return tonight
words freeze and thoughts
out of sight
clustering and crumbling
like rain drops on a window
emotions raging like a trembling kite
my price today is unkown
my worth is surely cast
all i give is all i take
before my death makes this past