----- That was the headline in the Times of India today, Its an Article about Our defense Minister Mr A.K. Anthony's response to recent attacks across the border, 130 incidences between march and july alone, all across northern India, Even bangladesh tried a stunt, "Our forces are doing their best to prevent these incidents. By and large, they are able to control the situation. Our forces are ready to meet any challenges in the border. So there is no cause of worry," he said.
The artcle touches on, how we are in control , and although these minor incidences occur increasingly during summer, its usuall military activity, they have not once tried anything more than the odd shots fired at each other, so the decision taken by the defense ministry as seen in the response to this article, is no where near to the public opinion, hang on! isnt that against democracy, in the largest democracy in the world?one might argue, but are the Indian public, Actually asking for WAR?
Yes Absolutely - says Jaihind from UK, yes the United Kingdom, Yogender Chouhan from Scotland says " we should learn from russia's attack on georgia", I wonder what they are doing away from a country they love and care so much , as to know exactly whats best for the country when they dont even contribute a single dollar For its affairs,We are adding the equavalent of australia's popplulation almost every year, India today struggles to cope with increased demand for food internally, exporting less affects its bottomline, which inturn affects the poor, and the ones who will be soon be because of ever rising food and commodity prices, India needs good people who can lead her to a brighter future, it sure will happen, but why wait so long, why have we waited at all?, is the direction we are heading.
These indians outside india would like india to go to war, so they can boast about it to their bangladeshi friends and pakistani mechanics about how great their country really is and, Like the olympics proved to be China, They think its a sport, which since we are bigger offcourse and tougher, we would easily defeat them, but we in the process will also destroy innocent brainwashed masses, if we played strategic games with them, it will cost lives on our borders, soldiers will die both side for no apparent reason, as that will never stop them from constantly fucking around in the border anyway, it has always happened and will always happen. unless we completely conquer Pakistan and bangladesh , just for style, and suppress them until they realise, we are all one as long as India makes the rules, and they will become added states and go on about their affairs, now for this situation to realize itself, there will be a great need for a spiritual cleansing, the muslims will have to be completely denied ther insaness which they have been deriving from tribal , religios leaders with 2 brain cells have been feeidng them with.
Which I do not see as happening as they will die with their spirit and that spirit does not get along with ours, anyway getting back to the point, The war will cost us so much as to drain us of the economic development which we have Gradually learnt to achieve, it is our time to shine not blow, These people do not contribute as much as a snail does to the ecosystem to make possible human existance. and they Critisize the Ministrys authority without knowing the full picture? I would love to give them a personal war myself.
As a dravidian, An Indian, I myslef would love to until a few years ago, rage a war, loose a bit but win us the respect and honour we deserve, The great Hindustan deserves, I would fight for my country in a heart beat is i had the oppurtunity, but all ones has to do is only pause. silently zoom back, and look at the wider yet clearer picture.
These times, times are already tough,our popullation is swelling like a mother having quadruplets, foods barely getting to the bottom of the placenta, prices of day to day commodities are increasing at a rapid rate, natural disasters are a common headache these days, unlike a solar eclipse once in a while, Education is spreading at a very effective rate, our rural areas are being discussed with much passion these days, Children have more resources, but we still have a long way to go in reaching confident levels of social and economic development in its true sense, The rich people are finally realising that they have become so rich that, it would be against gods will if they dont give some back, Indians outside build temples and set up NGOs funded for their tax rebates, There is a sense of realisation on how important planning not only for the present but ahead of tommorow is crucial to our harmonious (symphony of chaos) lifestyle.
all these factors are interwoven and connected at levels , people who started them dont even , know, Corruption is featured in all levels of society at varying impacts, tourism is booming, our call centres are humming, the cash tills of many small businesses are hummming even louder, the influx of rular communities into cities has also increasing at an alarmiing level, effects of this and implications are too broad a subject to be discussed here.
so anyway getting back to the topic, with such a complicated, ineffective unbalanced system of democracy,at a time when we are realising goals which were sown in the 1991 changes, which will not last too long because of same systems that created them will consume them.
-------- To be Continued
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