Fred Alan Wolf, also known as Dr. Quantum’ has received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from UCLA and he began researching the field of high atmospheric particle behavior following a nuclear explosion. Since then, he has delved into the relationship between human consciousness, psychology, physiology, the mystical, and the spiritual. He has authored eleven books and he continues to lecture, research, and teach worldwide. By far he is the most thrilling, enigmatic and seemingly informed talking heads that spoke in both ‘Bleep; and ‘The Secret’.
He is a science popularizer on the Discovery Channel.Fred Alan Wolf's definitions of Spirit, Soul, and Self:"Many, ranging from modern scientists to perhaps the Buddha, introduce great confusion into the search by not differentiating between spirit, soul, and self. Based on my research, the spirit appears to be virtual vibrations of vacuum energy, the soul turns out to be reflections of those virtual vibrations in time, and the self is an illusion arising from reflections of the soul in matter, appearing as the bodily senses as suggested by the Buddha. Hence the three are related but essentially different." In his book Mind Into Matter, Fred refers to emotions :"Hate, for example, is explained as a quantum statistical property of electrons ---and no two electrons will ever exist in the same quantum state.
While love, on the other hand, is explained in terms of quantum statistical behavior of photons---and all photons tend to move into the same state if given the chance. Thus, in a physical sense, the phrase "light is love" is more than a metaphor."Fred defines for us a "quantum event” :A quantum event occurs whenever an act of knowing/perception occurs. Usually this takes place when the world presents a scenario of possibilities to consciousness. This presentation continually arises--thus new possibilities are constantly presenting themselves to us. When the quantum event occurs, one of the possibilities is realized while the others are not. Thus the idea you create your reality arises. Before the event, reality consists of overlapping possibilities that taken together are paradoxical and the source of all of our creativity. When the event of consciousness occurs the paradox is resolved and suddenly a single possibility jumps into existence. This takes place whenever you have an idea, for example, or when you suddenly see something new.In his book, ‘Mind into Matter’ Fred’s goal was to show that within your own mind and body laid a majestic story filled with drama, pathos, humor, intelligence, fantasy, and fact. However, this is not the end of the story.
In his next book ‘Matter into Feeling’ he shows us how we must deal with the conflicts and resistance we face in our lives as we attempt to make sense of the world, and learn to put up with our material demands, our addictions, our ups and downs, successes and failures.In his book, ‘TheSpiritual Universe’, several questions are finally answered.
Did we ever in the past lose our souls? Can a soul actually leave a body? Can the soul be polluted? Can it be enlightened or is it already enlightened? Is it in danger and subject to the forces of good and evil? Does the soul we refer to so glibly really exist? Is it something as tangible as physical energy or matter? Does it literally leave the body at death and travel to another location? If so where does it go? Or are these conceptual considerations of the soul too literalistic, too simplistic to be taken seriously? Can we prove the existence of the soul once and for all? Can we scientifically prove that it does exist? Are we faced with total and complete oblivion at death? What is the soul's behavior in matter? What is its behavior in the human body? In an animal body? Do dogs and other animals have souls? Does a single cell have one? What happens to the soul after death of the body? Is the soul, if it exists, responsible for a human being's actions? If it is not responsible then who or what is?
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